Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Poem - mY LoVe

"The Days Were Hilarious,
The nights were beautiful,
when my love was their with me,
i dreamed ' i dreamed just about you ,
i gave up all ' to achieve to you,
i lost my life, my aim, to get you into my life back,
now the days gotta changed,
as the pendulum is not constant,
i lost, i lost, i lost
i lost my love, my peace , my breath & my sleep,
i am lonely , the world looks alike a filth to me,
i am lonely,
i have nothing more to do with my life,
i want, i want , i want her to be back in my life,
i have a hope, i do wait for every minute....!
whether i know she won;t be ........................!! ".
bY--->hInd dHinDsa

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